Mass effect 3 pc dlc sale
Mass effect 3 pc dlc sale

This time the developers decided to do something different and allowed Shepherd and his crew to take a break from fighting the reapers and relax. Mass Effect 3: Citadel is the third and last story DLC for ME3. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Unlike Omega or Leviathan, you really can't get everything out of this DLC without playing as your own Shepard. Even if you feel like you want to boycott EA, I would consider this. This is easy ME3's best DLC and worth every penny to a Mass Effect fan.

mass effect 3 pc dlc sale

I was one of those who was sorely disappointed with ME3's ending and not entirely satisfied with the Extended Cut, but for a final DLC, this doesn't disappointed. The last line in particular was very moving, because it really folds up the entire trilogy as a whole. You come away from this DLC feeling melancholy, but satisfied. What made ME2 so great was its focus on your squad, and this DLC delivers what ME3 was sorely lacking. This part is surprisingly fleshed out and a helluva lot of fun, especially given it takes place in a single apartment. However, after finishing the well done mission section, you have a secondary, more relaxed "party" element which can take just as long (if not longer), which allows you to spend meaningful time with all surviving members of your squad (and even some of those who haven't survived). The story of that part is rather odd (but I certainly wouldn't call it predictable), but I like it because the moral its telling is very fitting. First part plays out as a combat mission similar to Omega, though much better for a variety of reasons. First part plays out as a combat mission similar to Omega, I don't know how anyone can say this is "2 hours". I don't know how anyone can say this is "2 hours". Nonobstant, si les DLC sont chers en général, celui-ci mérite amplement son prix, superbe travail. Pas de support manette hélas, mais avec Bioware on commence à être habitués.

#Mass effect 3 pc dlc sale plus#

A noter que la version PC ne souffre pas des quelques hoquets dans la fluidité qui affectaient la version Xbox 360, la faute à un environnement plus chargé que d'habitude (spécifique à Citadelle) et décidément magnifique. Je l'ai trouvé en fait meilleur que la première fois sur 360 (cette fête est si parfaitement réalisée et si différente selon les personnages que l'on a préservés. Original et très bien mené, ce DLC-hommage est souvent très drôle mais aussi émouvant. La seconde fois que je termine ce DLC que j'ai fait en tout dernier après les 3 Mass Effect, dernier DLC de Mass Effect 3 et dernier DLC de La seconde fois que je termine ce DLC que j'ai fait en tout dernier après les 3 Mass Effect, dernier DLC de Mass Effect 3 et dernier DLC de toute la saga Mass Effect, une sorte d'adieu ou de testament galactique des développeurs qui y ont instillé à la fois nostalgie et auto-dérision même s'il ne s'agit que d'un au revoir, car Mass Effect continuera toujours avec ou sans Shepard.

Mass effect 3 pc dlc sale